
TreeEvo by Tomas Drietomsky & Marek Furka

Link to the original paper:

Link to the source code of our project

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


What things you need to install the software and how to install them

Python Installation

For other Linux flavors, macOS and Windows, packages are available at Python Start Page

Follow the installation guide and add python path to your PATH environment variable.

We can install packages mentioned above by running following command and inserting proper package name:

$ python3 -m pip install -U package-name

In the next step we have to install *Jupyter Notebook*.

Jupyter notebook installation

You can find the installation documentation for the Jupyter platform

The documentation for advanced usage of Jupyter notebook can be found [here]( For a local installation, make sure you have [pip installed]

and then run:

    $ pip install notebook

Node installation

You can download NodeJS from the following link, just choose your OS. Then just download and follow installation steps.

Internet Browser & Web Server for Chrome extension

We highly recommend using Google Chrome internet browser, which can be downloaded here. Just download the file and follow installation steps.

After Google Chrome is installed, please install the following extension

Please use following settings in Web Server app. Notice that at the first screenshot, we have to choose the path src/Data/processed_data

And we are almost done. Now just run the terminal, navigate to src/app.js and run

    $ node app.js
The last piece is to open src/views/TreeEvo.html in Google Chrome and you can use TreeEvo application!